• Fashion Small Businesses: The risks, the successes and the women who run the world (or at least Canada)

    As my last week in Canada I wanted to take this moment to celebrate some truly inspiring Canadian women who have taken the risk of starting their own fashion small businesses in the country. Now I am going to be very honest with you (especially all you readers who do not live in Canada), our country is very very big and there is no way for me to be able to know, have met or justly recognize all the Canadian women making their mark in the small business fashion sector. However it has been my privilege to see the growth of the following women and see their risks pay off…

  • The Fashion Industry in the Great White North

    As many of you might already know, I am Canadian and so proud to represent my country abroad and in Italy. There are so many great things our country has, however when you think of Canada you don’t link it to fashion, why? Well, on my flight back to Canada last week I had a ton of delays aka loads of time to finally catch up on some great reads and I came across this great article in The Financial Post called “Why Fashion Brand Success Stories are so Few and Far Between in Canada”. That’s when it really hit me, yes nobody in Italy would ever think that Canada…